Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't Block It, Take it Down

From Boing Boing, source of so many Megducation articles: Child-abuse survivors oppose EU censorwall.

A recently leaked European Council proposal seeks to create a "Great Firewall of Europe," instituted to block sites that depict the abuse of children. As with other censorwalls, it's unlikely that this will performed as intended, since paedophiles will circumvent it with proxies, or by using P2P or email or private websites to trade illegal material. But the creation of a continent-wide network censorship scheme is likely to cause new problems, inviting authorities to shoehorn ever-greater slices of the net into the "illegal" category -- this has already happened in Australia and other countries that have built Chinese-style censorship regimes.

A German organization of child-abuse survivors, MOGis e.V, opposes the proposal on the grounds that these images shouldn't just be blocked; they should be taken away comepletely. Remove them, don't just look away.

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